FitNesse. SuiteAcceptanceTests. SuiteAuthenticationTests.
TestSecureRefactoring [add child]

 Scenario Libraries
Refactoring a page always requires authentication.
A response with status 401 will be received signifying lack of authentication.

First setup the Authentication module.
Authenticator Setup
username password status?
Aladdin open sesame  

Create a page to be requested.
Page creator.
Page name. page contents valid?
SomePage contents true

Now request a page. We should get a 401 since we didn't suply any credentials.
Response Requester.
uri status?
SomePage?responder=renamePage&newName=MyNewPage 401

When we supply bad credintials we get a 401.
Response Requester.
uri username password status?
SomePage?responder=renamePage&newName=ThePage Aladdin open please 401

Proper credentials give a successfull response (which is a 303 in this case because it redirects to the new page).
Response Requester.
uri username password status?
SomePage?responder=renamePage&newName=ThePage Aladdin open sesame 303