FitNesse. SuiteAcceptanceTests. SuiteResponderTests. SuiteTestResponders. SuiteSetUpAndTearDown.
TestSetUpAndTearDownAreCollapsableWithVariable [add child]

 Set Up: .FitNesse.SuiteAcceptanceTests.SetUp (edit)
 Scenario Libraries

SetUp and TearDown can be set to be automatically collapsed when rendered.

By setting the variables COLLAPSE_SETUP or COLLAPSE_TEARDOWN to true (using the VariableWidget), you can tell FitNesse to automatically collapse SetUp and TearDown when they are rendered.

* Create a page with the variable definitions.

script Page Builder
line !define COLLAPSE_SETUP {true}
line !define COLLAPSE_TEARDOWN {true}
page ParentPage

* Create SetUp and TearDown
Page creator.
Page name. Page contents. valid?
SetUp set up true
TearDown tear down true

* Create a child test page

script Page Builder
line test something
page ParentPage.TestPage

* Now request the test page
Response Requester.
uri valid? contents?
ParentPage.TestPage true  

* Verify that the setup and and teardown text appear in the test page.
Response Examiner.
type pattern matches?
contents .*(set up).*(test).*(tear down).* true

* Verify that the right style is being rendered.
Response Examiner.
type pattern matches?
contents <div.*class="hidden".*>set up</div> true
contents <div.*class="hidden".*>tear down</div> true