FitNesse. UserGuide. DotNet. SuiteAcceptanceTests. SuiteCellHandlerTests. SuiteOptionalAndCustomHandlerTests.
TestSubstringHandlers [add child]

You can assert that a returned value contains a given substring, or specifically starts or ends with that substring.

Coincidentally, this will work for the string representation of any type (excluding arrays).

- use to assert that the returned value contains "abc"
- use abc.. to assert that the returned value starts with "abc"
- use to assert that the returned value ends with "abc"

cell handler loader
load SubstringHandler
load StartsWithHandler
load EndsWithHandler

string fixture
field field? property property? set get?
abcdef ..bcd.. ghijk ..hi.. lmnop
abcdef abc.. ghijk gh.. lmnop lm..
abcdef ..def ghijk ..jk lmnop ..op

int fixture
field field? property property? set get?
12345 ..234.. 12345 ..234.. 12345 ..234..
12345 123.. 12345 123.. 12345 123..
12345 ..345 12345 ..345 12345 ..345

person fixture
field field? property property? set get?
john doe ..john.. dr suess ..sue.. sam iam ..m i..
john doe john.. dr suess dr s.. sam iam sam..
john doe ..doe dr suess ..ess sam iam

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