FitNesse. UserGuide. DotNet. SuiteAcceptanceTests.
TestGracefulMemberNames [add child]

The DotNet FitServer allows you to name class members (fields, properties and methods) gracefully ("calculate tax!" rather than "CalculateTax!")

member finder test
the field the field? the property the property? the setter method the getter method?
first value first value second value second value third value third value

member finder test fixture
The Field The Field? The Property The Property? The Setter Method The Getter Method?
first value first value second value second value third value third value

THE-FIELD THE-FIELD? THE?&#PROPERTY THE+-=PROPERTY? The*Setter*Method The*Getter*Method?
first value first value second value second value third value third value

 Tear Down: .FitNesse.UserGuide.DotNet.SuiteAcceptanceTests.TearDown (edit)