FitNesse. UserGuide. FixtureGallery. ImportantConcepts.
MarkupVariables [add child]

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Markup Variables

Markup variables are used for macro-replacement in

!define variablename {value}

and then use it anywhere in the page with this syntax:

undefined variable: value

Unlike symbols, markup variables can be used also as a part of a cell. Note that variables are processed in

!define town {Houston}

|Hello|World|Hello, World|
|undefined variable: town|We Have a Problem|undefined variable: town, We Have a Problem|

Markup variables are especially useful to extract a common value to a single place, so that it can be changed easily. They can also be used to parameterise included pages. For example, you can write a test component that is frequently used, and then call it with different parameter values by using markup variables. See<UserGuide.ParameterizedIncludes for an example.

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