FitNesse. UserGuide.
TodaysDate [add child]
To diplay todays date:

Markup Text
Displayed as
Today is !today. Today is 18 Apr, 2024.
XML is !today -xml. XML is 2024-04-18T23:19:55.
Right now it is !today -t. Right now it is 18 Apr, 2024 23:19.
Tomorrow is !today +1. Tomorrow is 19 Apr, 2024.
Last week was !today -7. Last week was 11 Apr, 2024.
The month is !today (MMM). The month is Apr.

As you can see, you can add or subtract days. You can include the time tiwh -t. And you can use your own format for the time. (See SimpleDataFormat for the syntax.)